Background and Goals
Many genealogists find DNA tests useful. The test itself is simply a saliva sample obtained by scraping the inside of the cheek. The privacy of each tester is protected by analyses being limited to “ancestral markers” rather than to the full personal DNA “fingerprint” or "signature". Testers’ names are not disclosed without their consent, and their e-mail addresses are not released to non-testers. See also Privacy Statement. If as a prospective or existing member of our Study you have concerns about privacy/confidentiality issues please e-mail the Study Administrator.
The interpretation of DNA test results depends on the transmission of DNA remaining unchanged from generation to generation, apart from small and occasional changes (“mutations”) in one or more of the “markers” that make up the genetic elements of the DNA profile or signature of each tester. The DNA signatures of individual testers can be compared to establish the likelihood of common ancestry, although DNA test results are never 100% conclusive. Confidence in the interpretation of test results increases as more individuals participate and as the testing and analysis techniques continue to improve.
Four types of DNA test are popular with genealogists:
Y-DNA Surname Studies. These exploit the characteristic of both y-chromosones and of surnames to only descend by the male line. Y-DNA tests can be undertaken for three reasons:
(a) focussed testing, generally by two testers, to support or refute some specific hypothesised genealogical relationship - effectively a paternity test that is not legally binding;
(b) blind testing (aka "fishing"), to seek and investigate genetic relationships ("matches") when compared with other testers in a data base, typically sharing a common surname, for example to explore branches of a surname, break a genealogical "brick wall", or find previously unknown cousins; or
(c) deep ancestry studies, i.e. to explore ethnicity issues going back several millennia.
However Y-DNA tests have three important limitations:
- females cannot take a Y-DNA test, though they are very welcome to participate through a related male tester;
- Y-DNA tests can show a change of surname in the ancestral male line, sometimes unsuspected; and
- the association of Y-DNA data with surnames only goes back a millennium, at most.
2. Mitochondrial (mT) DNA tests. These only follow the female ancestral line, and are usually undertaken to support or refute some hypothesised relationship, or for deep ancestry studies.
3. Autosomal (aT) DNA studies such as FTDNA’s “Family Finder” test. These are used to "find cousins", male and female, and test hypothesised relationships, up to 4th or 5th cousins.
4. X DNA tests are similar to aT tests.
The primary focus of this Study addresses application 1(b) above (see also Ordering Additional Tests). In other words, the Study is not concerned with relationships through female lines identified by mitochondrial or autosomal tests, or with Deep ancestry studies of ethnicity isssues. However individual testers may of course pursue such studies privately, and the Irvine Clan Autosomal DNA Project has been established to develop the potential of Family Finder tests (see A summary of these findings relevant to members of this Study is now included in this Study's main results table.
The relationship of conventional genealogy with genetic genealogy (the use of autosomal, mitochondrial and yDNA tests for genealogical purposes) is often confused.
Conventional, traditional genealogy, aka "paper trail" genealogy, involves the use of documented sources to trace genealogical relationships of an individual's ancestors and cousins, regardless of surname or gender. Whenever tracing one's own ancestry it is essential to work backwards in time, from the present to the past, from the bottom up. To select a noteworthy historical individual and try to trace his descendants using documentary sources in the hope they include you, i.e. from the top down, is likely to end in failure and disappointment. In contrast Y-DNA genetic genealogy works "from the top down", from a genetic Adam down to the living tester. For example, typically a Y-DNA test result can tell an American Irwin from which Scottish or Irish branch of the surname his paternal ancestors are descended, even when his conventional genealogical research has failed to take his ancestry back to when they "crossed the pond".
Autosomal DNA testing can assist traditional genealogical research by identifying possible cousins, male or female, regardless of surname, back for about 5 generations. Like traditional genealogy, autosomal DNA research is "from the bottom up". Autosomal tests, such as FamilyTreeDNA's FamilyFinder test are today the cheapest and most popular DNA test with genealogists.
Surname Studies research genealogical relationships within a specific surname. Such studies will typically use both traditional genealogy and Y-DNA test results. For rare surnames the objective is to collect all the records relating to members or the surname and trace their ancestries. For more common surnames, such as Irwin, this goal is impractical, but even without such diligence there is much to learn from studying a particular surname and its various branches. See for example the book The Irwin Surname (see Further Reading).
Since 2000 many Scottish Clans have launched surname DNA projects and associated websites. Such projects offer opportunities to:
enable direct comparison with other members using similar surnames to establish genetic relationships;
help conventional genealogical research that has met a “brick wall”;
ascertain the probability of two or more testers being genealogically related;
identify branches within a Clan;
explore, develop and promulgate new ideas.
Turning to the Clan Irwin itself, the genealogical context of this surname Study is discussed at GENEALOGICAL BACKGROUND and in the book The Irwin Surname: its Origins, Diaspora and Early Branches, details of which may be found at FURTHER READING.
Today over 100,000 adult males use the surname Irwin (or one of several spelling variants) throughout the British Isles, in Australasia, and, predominantly, in North America. While many such individuals possess lengthy genealogical pedigrees, very few of these pedigrees have reliably connected the diaspora of the surname. On the other hand some 90% of the testers in this DNA Study have been able to connect their paternal pedigree with a branch of the surname identifiable by its geographic origins.
Goals of the Clan Irwin Surname DNA Study
To promote and support membership of FamilyTreeDNA's Irwin Clan Surname Project by men using the surname Irwin (or its variant spellings such as Arvin, Ervin, Erwin, Irvine, Irvine, Irving or Urwin), and by other men sharing Irwin DNA signatures), and by women who have had such a male relative tested.
To interpret the Y-DNA test results of such men, to identify Y-DNA branches of the Irwin surname, to allocate members to relevant branch, and to recommend upgrades or additional tests likely to be beneficial to the individual member, or to the Study, or both.
To identify branches, develop the haplotree of each branch, and identify the likely dates of its SNP components.
To confirm and connect genealogical lineages.
To support and promote the Irvine Clan Autosomal Project, the Wikitree Irwin Name Study, and the Clan Irwin Association Family Tree Project.
To promote, co-ordinate and publish analysis and discussion of Y-DNA test results through the Study’s website, the Clan Irwin Association's quarterly journal, the Holly Leaf Chronicle, and other media.
To facilitate contributions to the wider research, development and understanding of genetic genealogy.
This website does not attempt to describe in detail the underlying principles and terminology of DNA tests for genealogists. For further guidance the following websites all give good background:
FTDNA support a web-based seminar program at:
For a good bit of up-to-date, background reading on the application of genetic genealogy to surnames see:
For those interested in deep ancestry there is a good review at
For an excellent introduction to Next Generation Sequence testing, including BigY, see
See also Further Reading and Supplementary Papers 9 - Lecture Slides