9. Lecture slides
In addition to my 2010 paper "Towards improvements in y-DNA Surname Project Administration" in the Journal of Genetic Genealogy (https://jogg.info/pages/62/files/Irvine.pdf), in recent years I have given a series of Powerpoint lectures that draw on and explain different aspects of this Study. The lectures have evolved as my understanding of yDNA testing has improved and our project has developed. All were presented as a case-study for other Surname DNA surname projects, some at administrator level:
"Administering a large yDNA Surname Project", to the Guild of One-Name Studies DNA seminar, Cheltenham, 9 Feb. 2013;
"Administering a large Scottish Surname DNA Project, to Who Do You Think You Are Live, Glasgow, 29 Aug. 2014;
"A Scots-Irish Case Study - The Irwin Surname DNA Project" to "Genetic Genealogy Ireland, 2015" at the "Back to Your Past" event, Dublin, 10 Oct. 2015 (see audio version at https://youtu.be/YMcBkz79wQM);
"Surname Projects - Some Fresh Ideas", to FTDNA's 11th International Conference on Genetic Genealogy, Houston, 15 Nov. 2015;
"Lessons from a large yDNA Project", to "Who Do You Think You Are Live", Birmingham, 8 April 2016 (see audio version at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glsxj5LBzo4);
"Advanced yDNA testing for Surname Projects", to the Guild of One-Name Studies DNA seminar, Cheltenham, 13 Aug. 2016.
"Surname DNA Projects - A Holistic approach", to "Genetic Genealogy Ireland, 2017" at the "Back to Your Past" event, Dublin, 22 Oct. 2017 (see audio version at https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=Y2xhbmlyd2luLWRuYS5vcmd8ZG5hc3R1ZHl8Z3g6NTA4OTM0NTFhMTI2ZDA0Nw)
"Y-DNA of a Scots-Irish Diaspora", to "Genetic Genealogy Ireland 2018" at the "Back to Your Past" event, Belfast, 16 Feb. 2018 (see audio version at https://youtu.be/vvRBkYM1wQE). This is a longer version of the actual lecture, as explained in the footnote to the first slide. This version is hopefully a useful learning tool that complements the content of much of this website.
"Using Y-DNA in Practice", to "Genetic Genealogy Ireland 2019" at the "Back to Your Past" event, Belfast, 16 Feb. 2019 (see audio version at https://youtu.be/5Bo0MLro2nA). In this lecture I focus on STR test result tables, Matching and Grouping, and TMRCAs.
"GDPR and the Project Administrator", to the 14th International Genetic Genealogy Conference, Houston, 23 March 2019 (see https://gap.familytreedna.com/media/docs/2019/GDPR_and_GAPs.pdf).
"Big Y & Using BigY Results in Family History", (on line), to the Genealogical Society of Queensland's DNA Discovery Day, 19 June 2021 (see https://www.dropbox.com/s/2af6hf1p662z6sj/James%20Irvine%20Big-Y700.mp4?dl=1).
"ONS & Y-STR Tests" and "ONS & SNP/BigY Tests", to the Guild of One-Name Studies DNA Seminar, Oadby, 14 May 2022 (two comprehensive presentations not available on-line but available on request from jamesmirvine@hotmail.co.uk).