
1.  FTDNA Public pages

2.  Main results table

1.  Public pages for FTDNA's Irwin Clan Surname DNA Project

For the latest available FTDNA Y-STR results of the Irwin Clan Surname DNA Project see Y-DNA Results.  These results are the most up-to-date version available and the most simple to access and read, but cannot be edited further to include the much detailed data and analyses that our Study's Main Results Table is now able add to each tester's results - see below.  

Note:   There are two versions of FTDNA's Public pages tables, one that includes all project members and one that excludes those who have not opted in to sharing their results in public.  96% of the project's members have opted in to sharing.  Project members (only) can access the more comprehensive version if they first sign in to their FTDNA account at

2.     Main Results Table for Clan Irwin Surname DNA Study

Click here to download an Excel spreadsheet version of the six-monthly update of our Study's expanded version of FTDNA's results.  This spreadsheet is now very large, with over 160 columns and 600 rows, so don't try to print out a hard copy (it would run to at least 9 sheets!), or to "Zoom" to get it all on one screen.  However optimising the Zoom setting and scrolling lyeft & right and up & down is straightforward and enables its full extent to be grasped To find the entry of a particular tester, place the cursor on the letter "C" at the top of column (3), select "Find" (or Control and F), and enter the tester's Kit No. 

As with FTDNA's Y-DNA Results table for the Irwin Clan project, our Study's Main Results Table has two versions:  the version obtained here on this website, which is only updated on-line every six months, and which excludes details of testers who have not opted in to sharing, and a complete, up-to-date version which is available to Study members in Excel or PDF format on e-mail request from the Study Administrator. 

Our Study's Main Results Table differs from FTDNA's Public Pages Results tables in several other ways:

Note:  Results of autosomal/Family Finder and mitochondrial tests of individuals who have not taken a y-DNA test do not appear in either FTDNA's public results tables or our Study's Main Results Tables.   


Arrangement of rows:

Rows 1- 12 are headers. 

Thereafter tester's results are grouped in their relevant branch (aka genetic family), starting with our large Borders branch.  The results for this large branch are now divided into two sections; section B1 contains first those testers who have taken BigY tests, L555 Pack tests or equivalent, or who are related to such testers by genealogy or autosomal tests; section B2 contains those who have not yet taken L555 Pack tests, arranged by the "old" STR sub-groups.  

Within branch and sub-group (other than the SNP sequenced Border Irwins) individual testers’ data on each line are sequenced by their TiP Score from the Study's modal, BA. 

Finally come our Singletons, i.e. testers whose yDNA results do not (yet) match any other tester in the Study. A few examples of "False Positives" are appended.

Arrangement of columns:  For each tester:

Details of Surname Branch (aka Group, Genetic family)

column A#      Indicator and full name of surname branch and Item (sequential number) Note item numbering is liable to change are new testers join

Tester details

columns B, CB AG, AS, ER, HC, JO  Test kit number

column C*      Residence (A: Australia; C: Canada: E: England; F: France; I: Ireland; S: Scotland; U: USA; Z: New Zealand)

Earliest confirmed paternal ancestor details

column D*      Surname

column E*       Forename

column F*      Residence before migration

column G*      Residence after migration

column H*      Born (c: circa, about; fl.: flourished; p: post, after)

column I*       Died (                             ”                                      )

Genealogical relationship to other testers

column J*      Relationship known before DNA test

column K#      Pedigree name (“*”: entry in Burkes Landed Gentry)

column L#     Relationship identified by yDNA testing

SNP test data

column M             Haplogroup (red: as predicted by FTDNA; green: as tested)

column O              SNP tests taken (italics: on order; bold: paid for or subsidized by General Fund)

column P#            basis for inclusion in haplotree if not SNP test

column Q              column in Tavle  2 (Big Tree format L555 haplotree)

columns R-AD      most significant 8 digit numbers are locations of SNPs not yet named)

column AE#          Identified sub-branches

column AF         private SNPs

Family Finder Test data

column AH             "F": Family Finder test taken; "F":  test upgraded to show haplogroup

column AI#            Suggested relationships 

STR test data

column AJ#           Genetic family (as column A)

column AK#           “Former sub-group” (e.g. "B9"; Note that these groupings have now been found to be misleading)

column AL              No. of markers tested (italics: on order)

columns AM-AQ#  GD (Genetic Distance) from Borders mode at 12, 25, 37, 67 & 111 markers respectively

column AR#            GD from Branch mode at 37 markers

columns AT-EQ       STR marker counts for Panels 1-5.

columns ES-JN      STR marker counts for Panels 6&7 that show variability from L555 modal counts (Borders branch only).

Coding in individual STR marker cells:

red >2 more than the modal value of BA

orange  2 more than the modal value of BA

yellow   1 more than the modal value of BA

no colour:           same as the modal value of BA

lt. blue            1 less  than the modal value of BA

emerald         2 less  than the modal value of BA

olive             >2 less  than the modal value of BA

italics:              rare marker values

bold:                fast moving markers

small:              different rule for GD      

underlined:     back mutation (count has changed twice since pre-surname era)

heavy box:      significant matches

"not shared in public" indicates testers who have not ticked the box "Opt in to sharing": see "Manage your FTDNA Account" for details.  All testers may request the Study Administrator to e-mail them a members-only version of the complete main results table at any time. 

Sources of testers' data:  Data in this table is derived from FTDNA sources, or other testing company as indicated, except as follows:


* If you don't have Microsoft Excel, you can download a free viewer for Windows here